Sucking my Teeth

I am sucking my teeth about Vitamin and I have a friend who says if you are sucking your teeth, you do something. So I did.

This morning, Vitamin was pottery on her feet, and I swear I saw her stand stacked out – legs sort of stretched out in a I-have-laminitis stance.

So, panicking, I took Vitamin indoors, checked her feet for soreness, and gave her a painkiller.  She wasn’t very active when I asked her to move around either.  Not like her usual bouncy self.

And then I put Vitamin in with the Minions on the track.

When she trotted off with them, I stopped sucking my teeth and sighed deciding I know nothing about ponies.  Absolutely nothing.

Fivla spent most of her day in the now-muddy paddock.  We’ve had a lot of rain these past few days. There are dry bits but she just stands and waits for the endless buckets to arrive.

I dragged out two of the hay boxes and put in some small-hole haynets full of soaked hay for everyone this afternoon.  I am trying to balance out their food supply. It seems a bit all or nothing and I don’t like that.

Vitamin decided one haynet was solely her’s.

The rabble could share the other one.

So the rabble dutifully tried.

And then Fivla marched in and said what she thought of that.

These two are possibly not the best of friends at the moment.  The Queen of Minions is a transient title.  Today Fivla is wearing the crown.

Having fed the ducky-wuckies their tea, I came back to see Vitamin’s largesse could include sharing with Albie.  I felt cheered.  So things are slightly changed and we will see.

Please pray this isn’t the start of laminitis for Vitamin. It would be just too much.

5 thoughts on “Sucking my Teeth

  1. Sam

    Fingers crossed it is just out of sorts due to seasons changing. Little Miss Maine Coon is still here and sends Vitamin soothing purrs.


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