Strange little girl

I have a new fence so I need to take down the old temporary electric fence before the gales get it.

So, obviously, I had to talk to the ponies instead because lugging fence poles and trying to wind-up unhelpful electric string is boring.

My electric fence was almost put away and I wanted to sit down to recover from all that strenuous effort.  It was hard work and I am easily distracted.

Tiddles came up for a chat.

And Pepper went off to chat too.

I have no idea why she does it, but Pepper likes to say hello and then sit down in front of her pony of choice.

I did ask her.  She even sits oddly.  A strange little girl.

And this has to be my most favourite photo of the day.

I wonder what the ponies think when Pepper does this.  In fairness, they never bite or stamp on her (it was known with BeAnne, thank you Albie – to the point where I could not take her into the field because she became increasingly deaf, blind and slow, she stood no chance and could not escape fast enough).

But sitting down and making folk like her, no matter what, is Pepper’s thing.  She refuses to accept anything else.

3 thoughts on “Strange little girl

  1. Kendra Preston Leonard

    My mother called Pepper’s way of sitting “rumpsprung.” My friends call it “sitting like a people.” Either way, I love her relationship with the ponies.

  2. Sharon

    Pepper is an exceptional little girl! She’s intelligent and learns quickly, if it suits her. I’m thinking of her on-leash behaviour before you got the new special collar and leash. Once she realized what happened when she pulled, she decided to change her behaviour. I’d guess that she saw the danger from ponies and found a way to show them she wasn’t a threat and was quick enough to move when one wasn’t in the mood for a dog being friendly.

  3. Suzanne Kelly

    What lovely photos, as ever. It is particularly nice to see your dog with the ponies. I hope the summer is treating you all well up there.


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