The snow is refusing to go. There’s been a slight thaw with a re-freeze overnight resulting in sheet ice everywhere. Ugh!
And it’s bloomin’ freezing outside with a harsh north wind too.
Edna continues to follow me everywhere. My constant companion. Every time I open the feed shed, she barges in and I have to back her out using harsh words. I can’t be having that kind of behaviour and she knows this. She is pushing her luck.
After the billionth outburst of rage from me, Edna finally asked nicely and I gave her some food as a reward and a thank you for learning, but she probably didn’t. We have been going through this routine every day recently.
Lambie et al were distinctly unimpressed and said I was a soft touch.
At lunch, I noticed Tiddles by himself and had a mild panic about this, telling myself that these were the first signs the last time. So I went back to the shed to get the lunge and a headcollar…..
Meanwhile, his friends joined him.
And Tiddles instantly cheered up.
So I clambered over the fence and unhitched some unfinished haynets, etc and gave them to the Shetlands to finish.
I told myself that if Tiddles didn’t eat, then I would lunge him but when I saw him tuck in, I stopped worrying.
The old ladies are still eating around the house and are very happy there.
That’s all I want. Someone to be happy.
And less work lugging things for everyone. My back is putting up a fight now. Everyone is in for the night as there is another winter storm brewing.
All tucked up for the storm sounds good.
Sorry the weather makes things such hard work (and yes, ice under a new layer of snow is most foul). You must be really missing the Girls and Lovely Guest . . .