Today was Ted’s three monthly hair appointment but I had to go to Turriefield to pack vegetables so I asked OH if he minded taking Ted to Scalloway.
OH felt Ted needed a brush before he had his hair-do while I felt it was a bit like washing the dishes before you put them in the dish-washer.
But Pepper was very upset without Ted and desperately wanted to come too when I was leaving for Turriefield so I decided to take her, thinking it would be good practice for her to learn to stay quietly in the car by herself.
Before I started work, we went for a lovely walk on Sandness beach.
We had it completely to ourselves, which was perfect.
Pepper ran up and down exploring everything.
And I took photos.
And then I drove up to Turriefield, cracked the windows and told Pepper to stay quietly and be a good girl. She also had her car harness on so couldn’t go anywhere.
I packed vegetables for two hours, constantly popping outside to check on Pepper.
She was ok, enjoying looking out, sometimes resting, mostly not but safe.
And once we had finished, I asked if anyone minded if I let Pepper out of the car. She had a quick mooch around and then we went home.
Ted was already home complete with his new “do”. Ever so smart.
And Pepper spent her afternoon spark out while I stabbed away at felting a sheep for the shops. I must say that I was very impressed with Pepper. She behaved beautifully all day and I am really glad I took her with me. My perfect companion.
well done Pepper!
Pepper is growing up! And Teddy looks great.