I took a few sheeple portraits of the Boyzens and Girlzenberries the other day.
A Wistful Lambie
‘Bert thinking his far away thoughts.
Pensive ‘Ster.
Dearest Edna. Possibly the nicest kindest sheeple I have ever met.
Little MIssy, who is such a sweetie and now wants her own speshul bowl to eat her breakfast out of (and yes, she has one, of course!) as she hates sharing and being bullied off her food. These days breakfast time is getting rather complicated.
Madge is trying so hard but yet….. she remains batshit crazy. However, she will just take a biccie from me and I need to catch her and loosen that collar.
And we finish with a little hint of a Winning Smile. It’s those eyes. Lambie has such lovely eyes.
This is his best wool time of the year, too.
For the past few days, all the sheep have been around the house because the weather alternates between seriously revolting and very windy. There was no let-up for a few days and when the rain buckets down, the sheep all run for their shelter. I am glad they have access to it (especially Edna) – it has been ferocious at times. But the grass needs eating down, so they are doing me a favour too. That’s the way I see it.
Gorgeous photos. I especially love the one of Missy.