Sheep and Ponies

This side in the shed are doing ok – no more lameness and good healthy appetites.  The odd runny poo but I am working on that with probiotics, etc and lots of bottom washing and tail brushing..

This lot are still mildly lame and ditto on the runny poo situation.

And these two are worrying me.  Fivla has been producing watery sludge, which I am nuking with probiotics, kaogel, a digestive equine supplement and buckets of sugar beet.  Today was the first day of a good solid poo and I may be just slightly obssessed with the state of everyone’s bowels.

Vitamin is still lame but perky – on the mend slowly.  She approves of buckets of food very much.

Lambie, for anyone who is missing him, is on top form.

As is ‘Bert.

Later this morning we had a break in the weather and, feeling rather neglectful about Gussie and Dahlia who have been so good these past few days coming down for their breakfast and then going straight back into their field with very little bother, I went to see them for a chat.

They were miles away in their field and I trudged over with my walking poles.

While Dahlia happily left her son to talk with me, I had a long chat with Gussie who couldn’t decide if he had reverted to being a wild sheep again or not.  He decided he didn’t want to be that sheep.

I sat on a peat bank and got a wet bottom as my waterproof trousers are not that waterproof.

But it was worth it to talk to Gussie who is all back to normal now and my best friend again.

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