A grotty day. Windy and then the rain arrived. We are all wet and miserable now. Meh!
My morning started feeding everyone. It hadn’t started raining yet and I was sitting on the step when I took this photo waiting for Kolka to come around the corner on the hunt for Iacs’ bucket.
She duly appeared and, as he had already finished his breakfast, I let her clean the bucket.
Iacs was not impressed by this arrangement but ,as Haakon had arrived late to his bucket (mucking around trying to get me to bring it down to him – no chance, you have four perfectly good legs), he wasn’t as fast at finishing his food.
I stood between everyone and Haakon protecting him from the circling vultures – Pepper doesn’t count as she is just on clearing up duty.
Then a quick breakfast for myself and I drove off to Turriefield to do some planting. Lettuces today. Bloomin’ small fiddly seeds.
Once planted, we took them down to the polytunnels and I thinned out the coriander and dill. I know this because they tasted delicious!
Home, lunch and then into my shed (trying to avoid eye contact with any ponies – ok, it is raining and very windy (F10) but it is warm so stay outside, please) – and I made another sheep to add to my collection to eventually go to town.
I am now back in from putting the ponies inside, feeding, etc. Soaking wet too. Double meh!