Poor ‘Ster has pink-eye or snow-blindness or Infectious Keratoconjunctivitis.
We have been treating ‘Ster for a couple of days now once I noticed his right eye was opaque but sadly it has spread to his other eye and he is finding it difficult to see, let alone get around.
Today he was utterly miserable and keeping apart from the others, preferring to be on his own.
When I found him by himself (and more than a little hysterical – he is prone to the vapours), I moved him into the little paddock behind the house, where I can see him from the kitchen, opened up the shed for his bedroom and gave him ‘Bert as his seeing-eye sheep companion. My fear is that he would fall into a ditch and not be able to get up. It is better to keep him where I can see him. I am not sure how much actual vision he has.
Hopefully ‘Ster’s eyesight will return but it can be a long process with treatment (so far we’ve tried ointment, an injection and now spray). The weather is to blame. It is just one of those things. ‘Ster is feeling very sorry for himself today. I am feeding him regularly too – so he can easily find food. Sheep are a constant worry, as are ponies, dogs, children, cats……
Aww, poor ‘Ster. He’s always been my favorite, despite his tendency toward the vapours. I hope you tender administrations will bring him right.
Poor Ster! Glad he is getting treatment and your TLC Frances. Fingers crossed! x
poor baby. here’s to a speedy recovery Ster. Your mamma takes the best care of you.
I sure hope aster will be okay. How horrible!
`Sure hope Ster makes a comeback soon and can see well again and feel well again too. Thanks for all the many things you do to keep your critters well and healthy and happy. You are the best!
Poor baby, it’s a rotten painful thing. Sheep get pink eye a lot in Australia from the dry dust blowing – treatment is mostly terramycin or pink-eye powder or spray (oxytetracycline etc). So glad you can keep him close and keep an eye on him. I’m also battling laminitis with ponies, it seems never-ending as you say (the alpacas are okay, touch wood).
Never-ending at the moment. I am meeting myself coming home! Hope the laminitis sorts itself out. Thank you for treatment advice. Off to see if there is pink-eye powder in UK!
So sorry.