One of Those Days

If it could go wrong, it did go wrong.

That’s how I would sum up today, so I am fed up.

The morning was spent in Lerwick having my debit card randomly refused at my usual haunts, which resulted in me looking embarrassed and flustered while I tried to a) pay and get out of there quickly and b) find out why.  Everyone was very nice about it, mostly because I have been a customer for over 20 years.

Once home, I then spent the best part of my afternoon, trying to argue with my Bank’s AI bot about all the “declined transations”.  Eventually, I did get to speak to a hooman but said hooman just quoted the same AI Bot’s replies so I am now doubtful it was a hooman.

“The payment has been declined due to bank policy which is in place to protect you”.  When questioned, hooman could not tell me what the bank policy actually was.

“We cannot offer any more explanation on this due to this being a bank’s decision. Our apologies” – what does that even mean?  I gave up.

So now, I have left a message on my Bank Manager’s phone requesting a call back.  Failing that, I will take my overdraft elsewhere – bored of their “policy”.

I was in a foul mood but, on a plus side, while waiting for the AI bottage to type out the sporadic and occasional replies, I watched the “Penguin-cam” in Edinburgh Zoo, which I highly recommend.  It was very entertaining.  The penguins were arguing delightfully with their keepers who were trying to clean…… (and now they are being fed fish as a reward – they have such beautiful manners).

So poop to everyone. I’ve had enough of bureaucracy. And I wrenched my left shoulder.

(sorry for the total whinge)

9 thoughts on “One of Those Days

  1. Darby Callahan

    hoping tomorrow is a better day. sometimes I think al this technology just makes things more complicated!

  2. judy shank

    Amen about bureauracracy. AI causes more problems than it solves & ,by golly, if someone is working for an institution then they should be able to explain policies & procedures. Additionally, why have we lost courtesy & customer support & satisfaction? It’s why all of us would rather hang with our four footers than deal with two foot imbeciles.

  3. May

    I actually got through the phone tree and the huuuge wait to get a human about our cable TV service. After working the kinks out of our English translation, he informed me that he saw “nothing wrong with your service.” Me: “Well, I’m looking at a problem right now.” Him: “There is no problem.” Poof; he’s done. And so ended the looong call. Doesn’t this seem like a great business opportunity for a company? “Heh, we say we have customer service, and we actually do. Please call and we’ll shock the pants off you with all our help.”

  4. Nancy

    Had a similar issue when shopping on the weekend – no rhyme or reason. So frustrating! The picture of His Highness rocketing around at Olympic speed was wonderful. Hang in there!

  5. Sherry Walter

    I have found it helpful to do an on line search for the biggest big kahuna of whatever company is giving me problems and write a polite – but veeerry pointed – letter to that person. Got a brand spankin’ new pair of Mud Arctic Sport boots that way instead of a lousy 20% off coupon. I’m always very polite, sometimes even commiserating and always a written dispatch sent to their attention via snail mail. Good luck!

  6. diane in Northern wis

    So sorry to hear about your lousy day. Hope and pray things get straightened out soon for you. this kind of crap happens much too often to people. There should be somebody at the phone number, to straighten it out immediately!


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