Oh, Albie….

When I had finished mucking out the containers and little paddock with the help of the invaluable Skippy (my electric wheelbarrow that I now could not be without), I found Albie mooching about by himself.  The others had eaten the hay and had all gone down to the track.

So I sat on the ground and asked Albie if he wanted to have a little chat with me.

I find sitting down and being at the same sort of level works best for chats.

Albie agreed and told me all his woes.  I listened and replied that, although the containers were big and possibly scary, he might find them easier to go inside when the weather turned.

Albie went off saying he would give it some thought.

I am not sure he was convinced but we will see.

I also told Albie that there is bad weather coming on Thursday (Force 9, a northerly wind which is always cruel), some rain and the temperature will plummet.

Thursday will probably show Albie the benefits of container-life.

Especially if I hang some haynets in there too.

Poor little Albie.  He trotted off down the hill to join his friends.  He is not the brightest star in our firmament.

3 thoughts on “Oh, Albie….

  1. Beth

    If the weather is absolutely foul AND the rest of the Shetlands have gone into the containers would herd mentality kick in and Albie follow the others, or is he so spooked that he would stay outside and get soaked on his own?


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