Off We Go!

This morning saw Tiddles and Waffle go to the vet for their two weekly (Tiddles) and monthly (Waffle) non-fasting resting insulin blood test. 

While waiting, Waffle somehow managed to slip his headcollar off.  It’s his party trick.  So I put on a smaller one and did it up tightly.

They both loaded and travelled like pros.  Once we’d arrived (we, as in I asked OH to come too to help as it was a two pony job), we had to wait a little while.  Tiddles got more and more anxious, threatening to rear (all 2″ off the floor).

OH tried talking to him.

In the end Tiddles gave up and just looked utterly miserable.


The vet finally was free and while he got his stuff and himself ready, OH walked Waffle around the car park, while I tried to keep Tiddles on this planet.

It wasn’t too difficult as Tiddles had now adopted his most miserable expression.

Tiddles was first up and I am fearful he will become needle-phobic as he always jumps at the initial pin-prick. He does hate this procedure very much but I told him what a brave soldier he was being and we got through it.

(could Tiddles look anymore pathetic? – I think not).

Waffle was the perfect little chap.  He had to have blood taken twice (vet error) and didn’t even mention it.  A quick chat (ok, rant about hidden sugar and alfalfa in everything) and we loaded up and went home.

As you can see, no one had missed them much and once back, I noticed there was lots of playing and running around this afternoon but obviously not when I had a camera to hand. Tiddles has stopped being depresssed now.

3 thoughts on “Off We Go!

  1. Mimi

    You are the best caretakers of these adorable creatures. I feel lucky to be able to be a part of the day, if even from afar.

  2. Beth

    Tiddles has got the angst bit down like a pro . . . you must be exhausted but well done.

    I have spent probably far too long reading up about Billy & Molly today, so now know the answers to my earlier questions.


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