Today has been all about wind and rain, and I refuse to give up my weather obsession.
I hurriedly fed everyone equine and ovine, but spent my spare time collecting the windblown buckets from their fields. I generously opened up the small haypark for the oldies. Kolka trotted in followed by the rest of them. The Minions looked on in shock. I am sure they thought they were saving that for their own rainy day.
This afternoon saw me in my shed making sheep while watching Schitt’s Creek, which is my latest addiction. It is brilliant. I highly recommend.
The dogs slept while I worked.
Yes, they slept and they didn’t annoy.
There has been intense training for this – I bribe them first with a hefty chew of some part of a dead animal and then, in thanks, they shut up for the afternoon.
They have the chaise longue to themselves.
Ted doing his best, but tasteful, “Burt Reynolds”!
Monster is back to his usual self. This is from the kitchen window, hence the blur.
He is sitting by the bird table ever hopeful. He has a nil success record possibly because he is just too shouty and visible.
Hello Frances. Two notes. I understand Monster being too visible. I have his slightly larger (27#) long-haired brother from another mother, and he also is a pretty awful hunter as he believes he is camoflauged but is most definitely not. Second – Schitt’s Creek is a masterpiece. I have watched the whole series a couple of times and will undoubtedly do it again at some point. It’s just wonderful. Especially David.
My sister put me onto Schitt’s Creek. I am an addict.