New Grass

I took this photo last night as I was going indoors for the evening.  I title it “All Alone in the World”.  It felt very Hans Christian Andersen Little-Match-Girl-esque.  Poor Lambie.

One of my many jobs this morning was to open up a bit more of the track for the Shetland ponies.  They had such a boring time yesterday – containers and hay and constant rain – that I thought they could do with something nice, for a change.

Fivla and Silver spotted me first while just finishing off.

The other six ponies were exactly the other side of the track watching me intently.   I had turned off the electric fence and I was suprised that Waffle didn’t just test it and barge through.  He has previous form for this heinous crime and we have had words so maybe they finally sank in.

Anyway, Silver and Fivla were very happy to see the long grass and tried to resemble miniature Carmargue horses wandering the reed-beds.

Then the others got wind of the new grass on offer and set off at full pelt.

It was lovely to watch everyone going lickety-split round the track.  Waffle and Vitamoobag were behind.

Phew!  Grass.

And then eventually Vitamoobag turned up too so everyone was together and happy.  They’ve been asleep all afternoon in the sunshine with full tummies.

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