My Wall of Primroses

I know Spring has finally arrived when my wall of primroses appears on either side of our burn (stream).

A truly beautiful sight and one I adore, every year.

The wild primroses grow enthusiastically either side of the burn on almost cliff-like banks.

This is probably why they grow so well because no one can eat or tread on them.

It was a glorious day today and the last for a while, I think.

A gale is on its’ way, accompanied with plummeting temperatures.

Snow or sleet is forecast next week too……

We are all very unimpressed with this weather forecast.

(but it was lovely to see Ted being a “proper dog” …..

…. while Pepper investigated the burn.)

So I hope the primroses will cope.  It seems very unfair since they’ve made a gloriously beautiful effort.

“Maybe it will miss us” – that’s what I always say when I look at a bad weather forecast.

7 thoughts on “My Wall of Primroses

  1. Judith

    Lovely! Spring is here, even if gales follow; the equinoxial winds. I hope everything is well. Can’t spell that equi word – I’ve tried it three ways and they all look wrong. Anyway, it either means a time of equal day and night or, possibly, something to do with horses.

  2. Sharon

    Beautiful photos of the primroses! I too hope that the primroses are protected because growing on the banks. It’s still chilly in our little frost pocket but I have trillium flowers and some forsythia blooming. I used to have purple Wanda primroses and some pink Japanese ones, but our German Shepherd girls learned to hunt mice and other rodents and the flower beds were trampled and tunnels dug in their efforts to eradicate all rodents everywhere.

    It’s wonderful to see Ted being a “proper dog” and Pepper exploring her territory. Being a cat person too, I love how Monster comes for walks and makes his presence known too. Your photos of him are wonderful! I used to have a pack of cats who followed me everywhere and had to be in on everything, especially weeding and planting in the gardens. Sadly, I have no pictures of them.


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