More Grass

While everyone was eating their hay, I made the executive decision to open up a bit more of the track.

It is pretty bare now, and I am swithering about whether to send the ponies to another nearby croft to go onto that hill park (field).

Pros:  Endless grass which would be good for them and me – no more lugging haynets.
Cons:  I would have to drive there daily and put on/take off rugs as there is very little shelter.

I am not sure I want them away from home this time of year.

So my middle ground is to give the ponies a little more grazing so they have the benefits of the containers too, if they want them.  It’s easy enough to do – I just move the electric fence and cut the corners.

The “new” grass is not rich green grass so hopefully no laminitis.

And they all seemed very happy to be given it.

An afternoon spent making sheep.

And after tea, I went back to see if anyone had moved.

Apparently not and they had made quick work of it too. Locusts.

So, having written this all down and seen my arguments, I think for the time being I will keep the ponies on the track, opening up more as the winter goes along…. but this could all change.  You know me.  Nothing written in stone.

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