Molly Part II

So, where were we?

Ah, yes, Molly took her big fish and left.

We waited for a while wondering if she had swum away.

Then I decided to see if I could find Molly.  She wasn’t far away – just under the pontoon – apparently a favourite spot.

She knew we were looking for her.

Fish quickly eaten and Molly was deciding if she could eat another…..

I love her watching her think.

She didn’t exactly beg but she patiently waited.  I didn’t want to get in her way so stayed on the sidelines taking photos.

And then Molly was gone.  She swam away after eating her second fish, which was fine. I felt like I had been visited by someone magical.  What a perfect morning.

Oh yes, I also got to see my first shalder (oyster-catcher) this year.  I knew I had heard them earlier screeching away that spring is on it’s way….. eventually.

3 thoughts on “Molly Part II

  1. Suzanne Kelly

    Molly is a sensation! I love the swans as well, But I am wishing you warm pleasant weather in the near future. It must be so cold!


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