Made me Laugh

This morning I found these two having a chat through the wire fence – Newt and Gussie.

But Newt wandered off into the field because I had opened the gate so Gussie occupied his time eating an electric fence insulator instead.

I told him this was not his greatest idea.

So he told me that today he would mostly be wearing the hay bale.

Oh, Gussie.  He does make me laugh.  Such a huge character full of curiousity, no boundaries with the other sheep (he drives ‘Bert mad by ignoring him) and regularly walks in front of me so I trip up.

See? In front of me.  What to do?  Little Gus-Gus will probably take over the world just by his pure determination and derring-do (or bloody mindedness).

5 thoughts on “Made me Laugh

  1. Celeste

    Our animals are constantly entertaining us. Why, Newt hardly looks any taller than Gus! Very glad they are friends. I agree, wearing snacks means one is prepared for any eventuality.

  2. Sherry Walter

    Maybe Gus has goat blood in his ancestry my little goat has no issues whatsoever about walking/stopping/whatever directly in my path!


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