Loved by Sheep

It is raining hard and everyone said they didn’t want to go outside.  I honestly don’t blame them. It is not nice out there.  Fivla took up residence in Dahlia and Gussie’s shed.  I don’t think the sheep minded very much – they are both tough hill sheep.

And the rest of the flock were all looking a miserable in their shed so I gave them some hay to eat, which was very gratefully received.

I was actually meant to be on a dog-walk but no one wanted to go – Ted had long since let himself back into the house via the catflap and gone to bed but Pepper helped me do my chores. Afterwards I sat down in the sheep-shed.

Instantly, I had a visitor – Maggie, who never left my side again.

She just wanted to be scratched and kissed on the nose.  It was a bit like kissing a wool sweater! And if I stopped, she would paw me to get me to keep going.

Everyone came over in turns except for Lambie, Barrel and Madge.

Lambie never once acknowledged my presence.

But Edna lay down beside me, while Maggie tried to eat my hair (and, yes, that hurts a lot).

This is the closest Madge has ever voluntarily been to me while I have been sat.

Bert also sat down beside me.

And went to sleep….. while I sang to him.

There is something very peaceful about sitting with sheep, apart from Maggie who is always poking me with her hoof wanting attention.  Lambie never came to say hello once.

And Pepper just stayed close by and waited.

7 thoughts on “Loved by Sheep

  1. Laura Dunn

    Lovely. They are all such individuals. My Tulip and Winnie are the paw you for attention types too. And Winnie is an expert pick pocket gor cookies!

  2. Celeste

    Aw, I can’t think of anything better to do on a rainy, icky day than snuggle with sheep. So sweet! Just make sure Monster gets his fair share of snuggles too. You have so many responsibilities!

  3. Kathleen Woolley

    Hi there, I think I would love to be one of your sheep. Snuggling down in nice warm hay, with someone singing to me. Sounds wonderful, when can I come? X


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