Lots of Colour

I would be lying if I said I stayed up all night to photograph the best aurora borealis to be seen in the UK for 40 years.

However, I did take a few photos last night, but it was blimmin’ cold and I was very tired.  I must’ve popped in and out to stand in the compost heap (in my slippers) at least 10 times last night but, to be perfectly honest, when it clouded over I gave up and went to bed instead  for warmth and comfort.  Seeing everyone’s photos this morning on social media made me realise it was glorious.

I might try again tonight but don’t hold your breath.

Anywho, this morning I was on my own. OH had an appointment in town first thing so he was long gone by the time I was feeding the animals.  There were lots of rainbows from the showers that interpersed my work so I kept stopping to take photos.

First up, were the Ancients (Icelandic horses) who OH is usually in charge of.  I never feed them. This is not my job so I was amazed at just how well behaved they all were.

I waited around while they ate their breakfast.

Luckily they just about all finished on time so there was no arguing.

And I was very impressed.  OH has them well trained.

After, I collected all the buckets and then went and did everything else – Shetland ponies, sheep fed, ducks second breakfast and put out to their field, etc…..  and lastly a cup of tea with Monster.

4 thoughts on “Lots of Colour

  1. Claire

    Your photos are glorious!!!! Thank you so much. I didn’t stay out all night, either. It was nice, but not nearly as awesome as the heavenly show in May. The good news is that it was warm. Sorry you were freezing. Keep looking up!


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