My evening started fairly well – the normal routine – after writing the blog, I go into the kitchen, put on the gas fire if the kitchen is cold and Pepper likes to come too. My shadow. So I folded up one of Ted’s bed blankets and laid it on the cold concrete floor for Pepper to sit on while enjoying the fire.
Well, that was the plan only Monster got there first (you do have to be quick in this house – snooze and you lose). He’d nipped in while Pepper was thinking about her new bed.
And Pepper knew the bed was genuinely meant for her. Monster had no intention of budging.
So I shifted Monster (carefully) down a bit making some room for Pepper.
Of course, Pepper understood that I had done this just for her and she nervously perched on the edge of the blanket trying to be polite and look appreciative at the same time. But I could tell she was apprehensive of my plan.
I went back to trying to prepare supper and ignored them. It wasn’t long before Pepper decided that it was better to let sleeping cats lie.
But she knew I knew and that Monster definitely knew.
Eventually Monster got bored of having to share – it’s not his special skill – and Pepper got the bed and the fire all to herself.
Like I said, you’ve got to be quick in our house.
Growing up, the saying in our house was: “move your feet, lose your seat’. : )
I love that and shall repeat it to Monster and Pepper.