The winter weather has now decided to arrive.
Wind and rain. More wind. More rain. This is a Shetland winter, although we have been very lucky recently. I shall not complain.
I am still not convinced that Tiddles is waterproof after his “little episode” (cough, splutter, splutter, cough – that is what the Allergy Clinic called my anaphylaxis so this small demeaning phrase is now in regular use in our house) so I brought him in with his best friend (Storm) to where there is a shed to shelter in. The small paddock with Tor, Albie and Fivla.
Storm immediately took up residence.
I told him (and Tiddles) that if Albie wanted in, then he had in and they would smile sweetly and let him be a Minion with them.
Thems are The Rules.
So, I went and sat in the shed to see who appeared.
And then a Dragon arrived.
But the Dragon was kept at bay. Those two budge for no one. Years of training and blocking doors.
That was until they had a better idea.
And then the Dragon took over and none shall pass. Even if they smiled sweetly.
Only this evening, Fivla, Albie and Tor were put in the stable leaving Storm and Tiddles to have the run of the field with the shed. I doubt Fivla will ever get in there again.
Cos that’s how it works in this Shire!
A wonderful bedtime story (with pictures!) I’m going to bed now; I hope I dream of Shetland ponies…
Beautiful animals… Sounds like they have lovely personalities too 🙂