Finally Integrating

I think the sheep are finally a flock.  In this photo, (L-R) ‘Ster, Edna, Maggie, Lambie, Dahlia, ‘Bert and Madge.

They are all happily eating supermarket own-brand cereal hoops, which are my bribery to get them to go out every morning into a field of my choosing for the day.

I actually think this integration is all thanks to Gussie.  He really has no fear of anyone, or anything – and he still looks like a hay bale.

Maybe that’s why everyone likes him – he is a very friendly walking snack!

Meanwhile, Barrel had taken up residence in the wee shed where the nicest of the mineral licks lives. He is also not a huge fan of the mud or the potential rugger scrum for cereal loops so I gave him his own private handful.

Lambie is rather smitten with Dahlia and followed her out of the field while the others polished off everything they could find.

So, my method of integration?  Tesco’s Multigrain Hoops scattered in a field far away from the gate, so I can make a run for it while they are eating and close the gate very quickly, only stopping to give Harrel is quick handful too!

3 thoughts on “Finally Integrating

  1. Judith

    Great news! But I wonder if the internet rumour of an extended snowfall fo six days between 1st March and 7th is true…..

  2. Lew W Sherman

    I have a feeling your work is never done, but you obviously enjoy it. I love the pictures you take of the countryside. It gives me a feeling for what my Shetland ancestors experienced before they left for North America. I have found a Shetlander who is into genealogy and we have begun a semi-regular “conversation” about all things ancestral.


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