The Minions are still in their 40 acres of nothing and I must admit that I am feeling bad for them.
Yes, they get their daily bucket of minerals, vitamins and low-calorie sludge to try and stop any hint of laminitis in its tracks but for the rest of the time, they have to search for food.
Fivla and Vitamin obviously have their fattening food…..
… but is it enough?
I know Shetland ponies should live off fresh air but it is the old ladies I worry about.
The field they are living in has absolutely no green grass. Just old hill grass and that’s about it. I wonder whether I should move the old ladies next door as that field has green spring grass but I know they will stop the others going off to find food (they hang around by the fence) and also they will miss their little herd hugely.
I am trying my hardest to stay strong and not to just open the gate and let everyone have nice grass. It is very difficult as I like them to be happy and not on a permanent diet. I keep telling myself that every blade of green grass could potentially trigger laminitis but….. what about the old ladies. Don’t they need more than a daily bucket of calories? When they came home for the dentist, they stuffed their little faces with the lovely spring grass. They were so happy but equally thrilled to go back to their friends.
Oh, I don’t know. I must stay strong. Sorry, I am thinking out loud.
It’s a real quandary. I don’t know what the right thing to do is. Is it possible to let them have a treat once a week, maybe?
Stay strong, Frances! Mooching about to look for any edible grass will keep their joints healthier and if they’re eating their bucket feeds they’ll be getting sufficient nutrients. Laminitis is rife at the moment – you’re so lucky to have the type of grazing you have to keep them all safe. I know how hard it is – my little chap hates having to wear his muzzle but I know he’d have lami in a matter of days if he went out without it so I have to stay strong, too.
I just hope the old ladies are getting enough. Your words gave me strength.
Ha, love it, none of us are happy with our lot. I have laminitic ponies, and we have greenfeed everywhere just now, I’d about kill to have forty acres of nothingness for them and just bucket/lick supplement as needed. We’re now going into winter so will rug Ben and James as they are getting on in years. If ‘a rug is as good as a feed’ would Fivla and Vitamin accept a rug – our ponies are useful at shredding them, takes persistence.
Rugs are a no go area. Fivla attacks Vitamin if she wears a rug. Teeth and everything. It is very odd. She is the most mild mannered pony but a rug on her friend and she turns into a total cowbag. So, no, rugs. Put a rug on anyone else, and Fivla is fine about it.