It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life
For me
And I’m feeling good…… dur dum, dur dum, dur dum, dur dum, etc!
Today’s sunrise was very magical today.
Last night, Esja’s new rider came over to try on her new-to-her saddle. I have been badgering Lauren to bring her dog, Jack, as he very similar to BeAnne.
(but now I see the photos, I think that BeAnne might be a tad on the portly side – we don’t use the F word in our house).
Jack was enchanting. His activity and enthusiasm was lovely to watch.
The two lookey-likeys almost played.
Almost, because then BeAnne lost her temper when Jack’s intentions were less than honourable. For the worst Bum Slut Terrier in history, BeAnne suddenly became a snotty maiden aunt.
There was a spat. That’s terriers.
Lauren and Esja did brilliantly.
They will make a perfect team.
Esja is really enjoying her training. She has a good head carriage and outline that she naturally offers her rider. No one has asked her to hold herself like this.
Considering Esja is four years old, she is very mature in her way of going – she has balance, poise and a good rhythmic tölt.
I promise they did go round the other way, my camera had run out of batteries by then.
What a cutie-pie that Jack is! (oh, but no one holds a candle to Miss BeAnn of course…)
if i had a dime for every time i’ve been called the worst Bum Slut Terrier in history, i’d be incredibly rich!
How do you think I fund my extravagant lifestyle?
have you ever read the book “The ponies of Mykilenji” The spelling may be off but these photos reminded me of what a great pony story it is.
I will look out for it, thanks x
You didn’t rush Esja; I think waiting until she was four was just what she needed and it has paid off handsomely.