
Thank you for all your kind words of support and advice.  All hugely appreciated and I am feeling much more like myself today. ❤️ (and I found MyShetland FB page again)

Anywho, onward ever onward and someone else is in the doghouse……

We were out first thing with the breakfast buckets and Pepper took up her usual role of hoover/vacuum snaffling anything that was dropped.  The horses are used to her doing this and are messy eaters.

Today, I was watching Haakon who had finally finished his bucket and was just having a look around to see if there was anything he’d missed on the ground.  I was busy thinking awww, how sweet, look at them together touching noses when I saw Pepper give Haakon a cheeky nip on his nose!  He was very surprised and I was shocked.  I told her so.  She looked very embarrassed and a bit shifty, wagging her tail hopeful I wasn’t cross.

She was sorry I had seen her and sorry she had got caught.

Pepper knows I will be watching her in future.

“Ooh, look a squirrel!”

(only we don’t have any squirrels up here ….)

Wicked girl.

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