Cruel to be Kind

I went to see the Minions with my new plan. Writing everything down yesterday helped me to see the way forward.

I moved Vitamin and Fivla into the next door field where the spring grass is growing.  This is what Vitamin needs and will hopefully help her weight loss.

I was not popular.

But I cannot let the Minions have spring grass.  They are fat and I don’t want them to get laminitis ever again.

So I am being cruel to be kind.

I asked Fivla not to raid Vitamin’s bucket and she happily acquiesced, glad to see the lovely grass.

Once the ladies had finished their food, I nipped up the hill and moved the wee enclosure over the fence into their field.

The ladies were very happy. I had worried they would mind leaving their herd behind, but no….. grass and being in the next field is fine, apparently.

I popped back this afternoon just to see how things were and to see if anyone had jumped over (Waffle was threatening), and the ladies were happy enough – they had come up the hill for a drink.  The boys had not left their complaining spot. It looked like a picket line protest so I ignored it.

One thought on “Cruel to be Kind

  1. Sam

    I do hope the Minions will leave the picket line and enjoy their own field. But it seems you have falled prey your own success of The Ladies and The Minions.


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