I spent the day doing this and that.
This = riding Haakon.
That = taking photos of Bergli Shetland Pony Stud‘s ponies.
Now, this photo shows where Lambie gets his ingenuity from. Lambie loves food. This ram, on top of the silage bale, is Lambie’s father (if he were mine, he would be called Puzzah, as I am Lambie’s Muzzah!). Sadly he doesn’t answer to this.
Anyway, if Lambie had to share his food, no doubt he would use this method of standing on top of the silage bale. Luckily enough for Lambie and Ster, I devotedly take buckets of food to them twice a day where they can eat all the dried peas first and leaves the cheap bits they don’t like! Fussy little buggers.
Bjørn and I spent the day doing all those things that need to be done when it is not raining. While turning the van around, I spied the Bergli foals having a little bit of a sit in the afternoon sunshine.
Little darlings. They are so fluffy and nice.
After a fantastic ride on Taktur (Bjørn) and Haakon (me) – (Haakon has never been better) – we went to visit the mini mares, many of whom are pregnant.
The light was failing but I managed to take a few photos. This time of year, we are all feeding our ponies. They need it, especially the pregnant ones or the growing ones. An expensive hobby.
One day Spring might appear. I think I can safely say, in Shetland, that we are all looking forward to it. Winter has been long and the ground is very wet.
I’ll second that Frances, sick of the wind, rain, sleet and mud. Can’t wait for some drier weather to give us all a break x
Gorgeous ponies. How nice to see them lazing in the sun.
What lovely Fairy Ponies! And I am so happy for you that Lambie does not take after his father!