Every day we go to Leradale to feed the littlies as well as one of the Icelandic horse mares, Brá who is giving her all to her foal, Dreki.
Hetja, the other mother, doesn’t need any extra food.
Poor Hetja gets a headcollar put on plus her statutory three carrot ration but we get to talk.
She agrees this is an ok compromise and I tell her she is beautiful.
Not brilliant, but certainly acceptable.
While I was talking to Hetja, she kept asking to go to my left. I thought it was to have a shot at the lick bucket so I let her go but I stayed standing between her and Brá as I don’t like Brá to be hassled when she is eating. Hetja is the dominant mare and Brá would have to give up her food.
But Hetja had spied the spare bag of carrots that I though I had hidden on the “aeshins” (n – top of side wall of house, inside roof – Shetland Dictionary). Her devious greed made me smile and I so I quickly gave the bag to Floss to feed to the Minions in the other field.
On another good note, Mr Headcollar is making huge progress. Dreki expects it to be put on every day. He is very calm.
Madam Lilja is now much better about the whole ordeal. She adopts the Lady Di look – a coy smile!
She is very pretty too.
Dreki is the charmer. His happy-go-lucky attitude is wonderful. He is very like his half-brother, Efstur.
Dreki is also guaranteed to make you smile.
This is good because we are all feeling rather bleak at the moment.
Funny how something as simple as a carrot thief can change one’s day.
I’m so glad the sun is out and the horses are eliciting a little joy. What a wonderful picture of Lilja! What a forelock, I think Elvis would be envious! Hugs for everyone.
Hetja brought comic relief to the day, bless her heart. Is Little Miss Her Highness (Lilja) weaned yet? What a wonderful, friendly group this is! Despite the bleakness, how could one not smile?
Dreki will leave his mum on Monday (if all goes to plan).
Hetja is weaning Lilja.
What beautiful horses you have…even if some of them, one of them? may partially love you for your carrots! Yes the two young’uns are certainly beautiful. Glad you can smile about something….things will get better….hang in there friends!
Those guys ‘n’ girls sure are beautiful. What a lovely nature Dreki has – he is a real sweetheart. You can always trust an animal to put a smile back on your face.