
It has been raining, which is good for the garden and which, of course, I spent an hour watering last night!


After a quick nip to the shops, Mum and spent the afternoon making things.  I made a curlywurly sheep to take back and to add my potential shop stock in Shetland.

Meanwhile Mum ambitiously decided to make a Shetland pony.  I think she realised later that needle-felting is harder than it looks.

After a good few hours spent stabbing everything on the kitchen table, we had a break with a wander around the garden to regroup and regain our sanity, whatever that might be. Stabbing takes a lot of concentration if only to miss your fingers and not cover said creation in blood!

While we were walking, Mum noticed a butterfly had landed close by. I crept up on it and took photos totally enchanted by its beauty and colour.

We then looked it up and identified it as a Red Admiral. I adore butterflies. We don’t really have many, if any, in Shetland.  Not beautiful ones like these.

Teddy, of course, remains his usual wonderful self.  He is so happily settled now and such a different dog from the anxious little chap who arrived a few years back.  Mum and Ted are inseparable which is just as it should be.

4 thoughts on “Butterfly

  1. Judith Garbutt

    My computer died so I’ve only just caught up with the last ten day’s worth of blogs. Missed my daily ‘dose’ of Shetland. Hope you manage some sunny days while you’re down south!

  2. Linda Loba

    Your Englandshire (brilliant name) photos are SO GORGEOUS! I feel like I’ve been wandering around in Beatrix Potter’s garden…

    (A wee kiss to Teddy, please)


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