Floss and I have tackled everyone and everything today, trying to do most of it before the torrential rain that appeared after lunch.
First, I got ‘Bert into the stable, caught him (twice) and pulled his errant horn off. I could see he was very vexed with his head on the floor, slowly losing his mind with the aggravation and possible pain. Anyway, he is much happier now. The leftover stump bled profusely and I sprayed it with purple spray (antibacterial spray). We are all much relieved the horn has gone.
Next up were the Minions. We wiped Sudocrem (a water-repellent, protective, antibacterial, antifungal emollient with a weak anesthetic) all over any sunburnt irritated noseys and kissed the rest. I had missed my wicked little boys.
Then off to catch Brá who had taken herself to live over the burn (stream) by herself. She was a good girl, led nicely, jumped the burn and I put her into a small paddock as I needed to catch her later and take her to the farrier for an emergency hoof trim. The farrier was excellent and said there was no sign of laminitis so that was another huge relief.
And I think Brá has lost weight. I really do. She still has a way to go but there is definitely less of her.
Back at home, I went and looked at the chaps. Floss kindly caught Hjalti and I did his nosey with the Sudocrem as well as Hetja, his Mum (sorry, camera was left in the car by then). Sóley the Foalie has grown and clearly adores Flossie. She has forgotten all about me so tomorrow we will renew our acquaintance.
And, good new. My luggage might appear tonight! Phew. And breathe.
Good grief that sounds like a week’s worth of work in a few hours. Fingers crossed on the luggage.
Have not found anything that I like for nosey sunburn. Just ordered Sudocrem. THANK YOU !!!!