Before the Storm

A nice peaceful day, thank you very much but now it is “the calm before the storm” which arrives tomorrow and will last for three days.  Ugh.  I am not looking forward to this one bit.

And so I am trying to get everything organised for easy feeding but thinking about safety too.  The unused sheds, henhouses and container doors are shut up so the wind can’t catch anything.

While the Shetland ponies will remain in their shed, the big ones will stay outside.  In their field, there is plenty shelter from every angle (huge high walls) and loads of grass.  They know the drill and they know how to get through this.  I think they would be more upset if they were inside but we will still get out to their field to check them and give them a large bucket of food daily. If the horses are not coping, we can open the gate and they will run for home and I will find a place for them.   I just know they would prefer to be outside to make their own decisions in weather like this.

And the little ones?  Well, they can rot in their stalls in the shed oblivious of anything but eating hay and complaining about their incarceration.

The wind will be full on onto the big door, so we will have to go in and out via the back to muck out and sort everything out.

I might store the dried food in the back of the van too where it will be safe and small ponies cannot get it even if they escaped.  Getting to the feed container could be dangerous.

So, that’s the plan. It is work-in-progress as I think about the best way to tackle this for everyone.

4 thoughts on “Before the Storm

  1. Beth

    I have just looked at the forecsat for our area – and the Met Office (both of whom are generally reliable for us) reckon we will have gusts of up to 50mph.

    The BBC, who now use Meteo because the contract was cheaper than the Met Office, are forecasting gusts over high 90’s up to 103 mph.

    I dread to think what you are in for – take care of yourself.

      1. Beth

        I’d forgotten about Windy. I would think might be quite accurate for you given you’re nearer to Scandinavia than London

        We are in the Eden Valley between the Pennines and the Lake District and get “quite a lot of weather”!

  2. Lucy MacArthur

    Fingers crossed for you all for the next few days! We will get a much milder version in Somerset I suspect


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