Beds and Veg

Not much today because I am mostly not able to communicate easily.

And I found that Pepper has a new “spot” – *** sigh *** – is nowhere out of bounds?

But it is deal for looking out at the world (playing spot the birdies)….

….. and/or it doubles as a dog bed (that can’t be comfortable, can it?)

Monster was comfortable in his woolly bed.

Very happy and snoozing having now left a pile of white fur on my iPad – more sighing.

And so I left to go to work at Turriefield.  Today was vegetable packing to get it sorted, weighed, bagged and labelled for the shops.

There was a lot of everything, including beans (poor Heike!) but we all pitched in.


I took a bag of celery tops home for the ponies.  They were very happy.

4 thoughts on “Beds and Veg

  1. Sam

    In Cat World – what is yours and you need to work is now the cat’s . Period. as for the strange place for Pepper – a sunny spot to survey her outer kingdom is necessary. Just like that soft green bed for Monster.

    1. Frances Post author

      No, they are glass ornaments that belonged to my mother. The big ones have bases. The small ones don’t and roll about!


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