Awful Day

Throughout the day, the weather deteriorated from quite windy to utterly gross.  Feeding the ponies in the morning was uneventful and everyone went out.

After lunch, as it had started raining with some force, I went out to find Vitamin and Fivla trotting towards me asking to go inside.  While I was getting them sorted, I heard more shouting only to find Tiddles standing by the gate wanting in as well.  So I decided that was it – the end of the day at 1pm. I fed everyone, dished out extra haynets to ponies and sheep and told the ducks food was inside their house.

It was too disgusting to take photos – more a matter of survival than taking my time.

I came in, soaked and feeling wretched so I made myself a hot chocolate as a reward for all my hard work.

As I didn’t want to go out again, I decided to look at a camera I bought a few years back that I have been meaning to sell, but I can’t quite make my mind up.  It is a camera for the purist who knows how cameras work – well, that’s not me. I put everything on auto, point and shoot!

My jury is still out. This camera is not really designed for my world but I hate giving up on something just because I am the idiot (but don’t ask me to read the manual).  I did, however, watch some YouTube videos about it in the hope I would feel inspired.

And this is my desk which, now I look at it, I really should tidy.  It looks a bit like a hobbit hole.

And now I am beginning to like this camera.  Oh, fer cryin’ out loud.  I was about to sell it.


One thought on “Awful Day

  1. Judy Shank

    Any day spent with a cup of hot chocolate is a day with a day we can savor paradise in a cup ! Hoping that your weather gets better soon, but turning to chocolate is magic.


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