Arrived Safely

Up early and I did my lateral flow test – belt and braces and all that.

Then I drove myself down to Sumburgh airport to fly south with breakfast first (don’t worry, I took the teabag out – I know, I know, I am a heathen!)

I felt pretty safe because I practiced my Bitchy Resting Face along with a good Darth Vader look. Approach and die was my message I delivered.

The small tiny weeny plane from Sumburgh to Edinburgh.

The first plane was delayed but I got to Edinburgh eventually feeling slightly nervous about my next connection.

Edinburgh is a very long thin airport and there can be some serious walking involved.  And the next flight down to Heathrow was delayed too. Phew.

My wee suitcase took a while to appear – just enough time for me to worry whether it had come south with me while invoking extra costs from an irate waiting taxi driver!

Anywho, I have reached Mum’s house, had a cup of tea, switched on every heater and am now settled with a hot water bottle, a woolly blanket while sitting on the sofa watching Ancient Aliens drinking whisky and ginger ale.  There is a faint smell of Ted but I know he is safe at home.

15 thoughts on “Arrived Safely

  1. Freyalyn Close-Hainsworth

    It must be strange to be there without Ted, but at least you know he’s safe back up North. I hope it all goes as well as can be expected over the next day or two for you and your family.

  2. Suzanne Kelly

    traveling in December and taking Covid tests is really not all that much fun. Hope you stay warm, cozy and are well fed and watered.

  3. Dona

    You are so brave traveling on those smaller planes in the winter weather. This trip will give you closure at a sad time. Stay safe.

  4. Kathleen Woolley

    Thoughts are with you. Perhaps a little bit of Ted has come with you. Take care for tomorrow and journey home. Good bless.

  5. Judith Garbutt

    The whisky and ginger ale sounds like a sensible idea! Hopefully it will help you to get a decent night’s sleep. Will be thinking about you tomorrow. xx

  6. diane in northern wis

    So happy to hear you made it safely to your Mum’s house. May your trip continue to go well.
    We are waiting for high winds and storms coming our way late tonight….praying for no power outages as it will be very cold once this weather passes through. Such strange weather for December here! Take good care, Frances.

  7. Christine

    You are braver than you think! I’m glad there were no glitches in your travels and you are safely at your mum’s.


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