Wherever I am, I can see Fivla and Vitamin. They are always close by and they travel in pairs.
I don’t really mind because they tend to keep themselves to themselves except when they don’t and then we have words about stealing food.
Vitamin has decided on her routine – she and Fivla go out in the morning after a huge breakfast, mooch around for the day eating grass and then at around 4 p.m. I give them a huger tea. More mooching and then they go inside at 6 p.m. for another big supper bucket and half a soaked fibre block each. I don’t know how much grass they manage to eat (there is quidding) but something must be going in.
According to Vitamin, I am very well trained.
Fivla is kinder to me. She just whiffles her nosey whenever she sees me and looks hopeful.
Today they got celery, as did the other ponies. Everyone loves celery.
But Vitamin was around when I fed Edna (sheep) her supper, watching, always watching.
And Fivla swiftly arrived too.
Like I said, I don’t mind as long as they don’t steal anyone else’s food. I have rules and they must stick to them. With the evenings getting longer, I am eventually aiming for Fivla and Vitamin to stay outside during the summer/warmer months, though I will have to negotiate this with Vitamin who does like her bedroom.
As does Fivla. They can’t go to bed fast enough at the moment. I am convincing them to stay outside longer.
Hi Frances please can you pop me an email. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing these lovely horses with us. Good luck extending their waking hours! Daylight savings is hard on all of us!!