A New Field

I had some help today – my friend, Mandy.

First we loaded up Iacs and Haakon and moved them over to the nice grassy field at Leradale.

Then we fought our way down to the Minions’ field (with Iacs and Haakon bothering us for our buckets) and fed the Minions.  It was a struggle and I had words with a certain Iacs, who was appalling (I blame the parents, thank you, Daisy).

For once, Storm almost behaved.

Then we drove back home to collect Klaengur and Kolka and took them to Leradale too.

When they arrived in their new field, Klaengur and Kolka immediately started to explore in completely the opposite direction to Haakon and Iacs.  So no one knew the others were here too.

Finally Haakon found his brain and spied his old friends.

And I have to say this is the most action I have seen for quite some time.

Iacs favoured the less glamourous approach (this is him jumping a ditch – we howled with laughter).

And, again, Iacs flew over to his friends.

You can possibly hear the gallumphing and the effort.

The Minions were very happy to see new neighbours.

Klaengur got his stallion-trot out of a bag he had been keeping under his bed.  Impressed, much.

Bored of the neighbours (it was a brief), the Oldies went back to their exploring.


…. And then totally knackered.  These guys are much older than Klaengur, so I forgive them.

Kolka stopped off to talk to Mandy while the Old Men continued on their foray.

So, that’s that for the time being.  This is the first time Thordale has been without horses for nearly 25 years and yes, I miss them desperately.  And I did check them later to see that everyone was absolutely fine.

One thought on “A New Field

  1. Judith Garbutt

    They are so lucky to have vast expances to explore and mooch about in. Lucky ponies and horses! Hopefully give the fields nearer to the house time to dry out and recover from the winter weather!


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