A Funny Old Day

Floss and I spent our morning making kimchi.  The weather is galloping along, as ever.  It is all or nothing every so often so we spent the morning inside doing something productive and we all love kimchi.  It’s a pity no one can remember the recipe, though!

When there was a lull outside, we walked the dogs up to Clothie – my 5 acre croft away from the house where the Ancient Icelandics are currently living.  Despite having a large breakfast bucket delivered to them, they were very pleased to see us and I was glad to see they were completely unaffected by Storm Ashley.

We had brought carrots and apples and were very popular.

There is lots of shelter at Clothie, which was originally an old school house with a residence attached.  While the horses don’t go inside the old buildings, they make the most of the high walls when the wind blows. After the visit, we turned around to watch all the old horses cantering energetically up the hill and we commented we hadn’t seen them move so fast for a while.  As ever, Kolka was in charge bossing the boys around.

Back in the shed and everyone is doing ok.

The effects of the grass sugar-rush are coming out in a variety of poo’s and the ponies are drinking huge buckets of water, which is good.  Waffle has stopped dancing in the water provided.  Again, good.

The ponies love it when we turn up to clean them out.  They hassle endlessly.

I think everyone is looking much brighter today, which is the way forward.

And back in my shed, I am constantly watched.  So that’s my day.  Good to see an improvement in the Shetland ponies and relieved everyone is weathering this storm as well as they can.

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