Today was a bit of a day.
My visitors were leaving (flights permitting) so I put them to work before they left. I like to get my money’s worth.
While they were doing lots of lugging (hay bales, water, stuff), I fed Gussie and Dahlia, who had appeared.
I cannot tell you just how pleased I am to have these two. Such sweeties.
And in this weather, Skippy is a total godsend (as is the driver who has now left us, sob).
Everything is a family affair.
And we were pottering along ok today until Tiddles appeared at the fence (lunch time) and said he would like to go inside, please thank you. So I led him indoors and he said he was ok now. Then I noticed that he wasn’t eating despite four buckets of lovely little “amuse-bouche” in front of him. I gave him some tummy stuff and then he lay down. At that stage, I called the vet because I felt we were rapidly entering Storm territory.
While the vet was on her way, I lunged Tiddles outside and, when he started to gallop, bucking, I realised he possibly wasn’t as ill as he said he was. I put him back in his pen and he instantly started to eat. A good sign.
The vet still came and examined Tiddles, while he farted liquid and poo. She gave him a painkiller and said the bowel sounds were good. We decided that his sojourn outside last night was possibly too much for him so now I am trying hard not to over-think this. Fingers crossed we are out of this.
I am now indoors with a gin and tonic to recover too. My visitors are on their plane flying home and OH is cooking supper.
healing vibes and prayers for Tiddles
Thank you
Keeping Tiddles in my thoughts. Sorry you lost your visiting staff. Hope their trip home was uneventful.