19p Celery

As we were in town on Saturday evening (for a lovely meal out – what a treat), we had to pop into Tesco’s for a few essentials beforehand. I found that celery had been priced down to 19p a plant, which is a total bargain.

I scooped up about 10 packets, telling OH this was a bargain and the Minions love a celery treat.

This afternoon, after making another two sheep, I went inside and cut each plant in half, filled a carrier bag, went outside and shouted……

The rest of the ponies had arrived and were already looking hopeful.

Once I had everyone, I threw around a good pile of celery stalks to munch on.

Even Fivla, who struggles a bit with eating quickly, happily tucked in.

And the sound of munching was very definitely worth everything.  The ponies do love their celery treat, especially 19p bargain celery.  And now I am wishing I had bought more.

8 thoughts on “19p Celery

  1. Judith Garbutt

    I’ll have to see if my little Shetland will enjoy some celery. It will make a change from apples, carrots and swede.

  2. Meg

    Your post reminded me that celery would be a safe treat for my EMS horse. He developed EMS and had a major case of winter laminitis in January. He’s sad that he’s no longer allowed carrots – at least not until we’re sure his insulin is better regulated (I’m not taking chances. We’re on the slow road to recovery from rotations.)

    1. Frances Post author

      It is so difficult, isn’t it? You want to do your best and they look at you as though you are totally responsible for this cruelty. Celery is a hit. I cut it up sometimes and just throw it everywhere on the ground so they have to go and look for it (though this can turn into a bun-fight)


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