The Big Adventure

Can you see Fivla and Vitamin on the far side of the field?  Well, they wouldn’t follow me like the others did when I was walking in Leradale.

I crossed the small burn that runs through the field and everyone was coming too so I thought I would show the herd that there is more grass to eat as they always seemed to be in the same place when I visit.


Tiddles had divided loyalties and so turned round to go back to Fivla and Vitamin who refused to move from their spot.  The one where they tell Brá and Hetja about just how bad pregnancy and foal-birth can be.

But the rest of my Minions wanted to come with me.

Then Silver went cantering back to the old ladies who were now shouting unhelpfully.

Sadly Albie and Waffle cantered off too.

Leaving me with Newt and Storm (yes, they are related).

And on we went around the field.

Suddenly Albie returned, having changed his mind – stay with the boring old ladies or go on a big adventure.  No contest.

So off we went again.

I was pleased with my three little lads for coming with me and I had no calorific incentives with me so I told them they were all very intrepid.

Then we had walked the full circle and were homeward bound.

The herd joined up again and next time, I decided, I am taking a headcollar so that Vitamin will not hold them back.  I am taking her with me.  Fivla will follow.

It was a good walk.  Gallopy, gallopy, giggle, giggle.

5 thoughts on “The Big Adventure

  1. Linda Loba

    Sometimes – especially on walks – you’ve got to take what you can get…

    Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year to you and yours, Frances!!

  2. Terri

    A wonderful walk, no matter how many made it the full loop. Clever you, to think of ways to outsmart them next time!
    Wishing you, your family, and every living thing at Thordale a Happy Christmas and New Year! Thank you for your stories and photos of life in Shetland — they are a bright spot in my day. x
    PS Did you see this recent article, which includes Lerwick, in The Guardian?


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