Recalcitrant Lambie

Dear Lambie
A little note from your Muzzah.
Please can you go into the field with your friends so that we can leave the gate open for OH’s car. He is transporting 12 bales of hay to the stable from our neighbour’s and his car gets stuck in the ice if he has to stop to open and shut the gate.
I have biscuits and if you do not go into the field you can’t have any.
Love, always
Muzzah xx

Dear Muzzah
A note from your darling (and only) little Lambie.
No! I don’t bother myself with fields. They are for other sheep, not me. So I will come with you on your “wee potter” into the hill” with BeAnne.
A small bit of love,
Lambie x (one kiss, because that’s all you’re worth but more if you give me my rightful biccies, just sayin’ and askin’ for a friend!)

So a biscuitless Lambie came with us, at a distance, but definitely with us.

No, actually it was a walk at us.

This has not been a good day for BeAnne so I wanted her to get some fresh air.


When we got home, the others were complaining bitterly about being enclosed so I told them to suck it up.  They cannot be trusted.

Lambie then looked very smug.

Into my shed we went where I was making an advert for my Sheeple (don’t worry, I will put them up tomorrow).

BeAnne immediately took to her bed and had a lovely long snooze.  A walk, then sleep and she felt a slightly better.  She ate a good supper later.

And here is a small film of Lambie actually doing what he was told (for once) – coming home. I was rattling a box of food at the time, but he did run to me and, as his reward, he got his biccie!

4 thoughts on “Recalcitrant Lambie

  1. M in NC

    Loved the little sheeple movie 🙂 My treat for the day.
    Its cold and windy here today(Mid-Atlantic USA). We mainly had rain and freezing rain from the large North-easter that is currently dumping on New England and Eastern Canada. Forecast has it slowly moving out to sea. If it does not fall apart, it may keep on causing trouble as it moves eastward. Keep an eye out for it.

    M in NC

  2. Sam

    Lambie is a cross between a dog and a sheep and thus is exempt from said rules for either. Unless a biccie is offered, all requests shall be denied.


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