When you’re orange and a bit of a tit.
But luckily someone comes to talk you down off Tit Mountain.
So you stare at a fence post instead.
And then suddenly, with your butterfly mind, you see a distraction.
And so you eat it.
But you get shouted at by your “Mum” and instantly look miserable and sorry for yourself.
So you just go back to being a bit of a tit. But a lovely orange tit.
Oh Efstur. Stop being silly and stop being a tit!
What an insult! Cover your ears Efstur
Red Heads are very much the same….I have a very red head daughter
It’s a hard life being a ginger, and even worse when your Mum calls you an Orange tit!
But if you didn’t have one like that, it would be far less interesting or entertaining!
Tis only trying to move my head into the sun light for a FAB picture, Mum!