The Ninjas

Water, water everywhere and not a dry field anywhere.  So depressing. Squelch.


But this does not deter The Minions.  They were on fine form today, having been stuck indoors yesterday during the last gale.


I went into their field and they came running up to me.  Silver was in a very playful mood, picking on Storm who gave as good as he got.

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Silver then spotted Tiddles who was by himself happily minding his own business and hoping he would not be noticed.


But Silver was in a silly mood and tried to play with him.  There was no playful reaction back.


Tiddles ran away …


…. and took himself to be with his Mentor and Best Friend.


I haven’t put a rug on Storm or Tiddles because yesterday Storm rolled until he was fully encrusted in wet sand.  I just couldn’t bring myself to put a rug over that, let alone touch him.  Instead, I decided the rain and wind could blow it off which it is now doing.  I also thought it would do their coats good to have some fresh air for a few hours and the encrusted sand plus rug combo was a potential breeding ground for rainscald.


Anyway, they all seem happy enough in the rain.

There’s not much wind so it is nice for them to be outside and to make the most of a few quiet days before the gales start all over again.

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