Shetland Pony Overload

Hello, Anna and Daisy here, giving Frances a well earned break.

Today we decided to do the foal rounds again to check on the two little ones to see how they were getting along.  Dingo, aka Lucky Charm, is still being heavily guarded by Nanook.


Zoot was more than happy to come up and socialise. 

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Next stop, to see Indy and some of his ladies.  He enjoys being on the school route as he gets many hugs and sweeties. Yes, he does look like a bit of a weirdo sometimes, not that you’d believe it from Frances’ photos.  This was the best one we had of him…


Anna had to have a photo with the celebrity.  He was more than happy to oblige and accepted the carrot currency.


The final stop was to see the fillies and mares where we were swarmed.

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Lyra and Carina were very happy to see people.  It seems like Bozz-Bozz and Arcturus get all the fun.  The next step is to get rid of all the foal fur.

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Overall, we would say that it was a very good day.


Update: Frances’s ankle is not broken, just sprained. Not fun.  Send happy thoughts!

Frances here, I may live the day with enough chocolate!  Good bloggers here.

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