Out for a Ride

Our guests (the horses from Houlls Horses & Hounds in Burra) are staying until tomorrow so we made the most of the fine weather and took them and their riders out to see our local countryside.

It is lovely to have other competent folk to ride with, especially on Icelandic horses.

There were six of us in total.

(I have missed my orange riding companion and I think his rider, Flossie, has missed her little orange horse).

We had some lovely tölts and trots.

I dropped back, much to Haakon’s fury, so that I could photograph everyone going up the canter track.

It was a bit of a there-and-back-again kind of ride as it is just still too wet to go up into the hill.  Maybe our visitors will come back when it has dried up a bit and then we can show them the view from the top of the hill.

On the way home I kept Haakon back again.

This of course made him then last, which he was furious about.  Haakon is never last.

And so Haakon sneakily made his way past everyone.

And yes, he did get home first never breaking into anything faster than his industrious walk.

We will be sad to say goodbye to our new friends.

And it was lovely having Esja home for a brief visit.

6 thoughts on “Out for a Ride

  1. Sam

    How much this must have been for you if not for Hakkon. Sometimes being a Good Host is not fun.
    How is BeAnne doing? Has Lambie forgiven you for banishing him to his room?

    1. Frances Post author

      Lambie et al were wormed/fluke drenched yesterday so it just adds insult to injury in his mind. He went into a deep and dark depression for a while but seems to be out of it now. (but refuses ever to go into his field again)

  2. Gwen Stopper

    Hi Frances, I would just like to say a BIG thank you for your hospitality over the weekend and to you and Richard for the walks at Lyradale (not sure of the spelling) which me and Paddy both enjoyed in equal measure! 🙂 It was a special few days with great company, the best horses, lovely dogs, sheep and various other farmyard inhabitants! Not to mention the homemade soup, sandwiches and cakes (Eat your heart out The Great British Bake Off, Thordale is where it’s all happening in the cake world these days!) 🙂 The photos are brilliant! I felt sad driving home on Sunday afternoon that it was all over… Hope to be back up your way soon, I would love to see the new arrivals when they’re up for visitors and maybe Loki and Paddy could run the hill again… With best wishes Gwen x


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