Little Fatty Boys and Girls

The grass is growing now (huzzah) and the Lyradale lot are very happy.

Someone visits them every day to top up the water buckets, count legs and kiss noseys.   Although the gate is open back to their old adjoining field where the loch is plus many watery ditches, the ponies haven’t returned – hence the dragging of the water as their field’s supply has dried up.

I moved the little ones up to the big ones’ field, when the pregnant ladies vacated, so they could have a shot at the spring grass having been “starved” all winter.

The weather comes and goes still and so I haven’t done any more brushing. That’s my excuse!  It is not fair to have them all in their summer uniform yet.

Yes, the ponies look scruffy, but the wind will blow their hair out when it is ready to go.  Having said that, I might take a brush to them this week as they do look revolting!

I still miss my little boys and I still want them home but there realistically needs to be more grass.

So,not yet.

When the boys return, Lyra and Delia will go to their summer field and we can give Lyradale a rest.

Everyone is flourishing.

Lyradale really has been the perfect winter habitat for Minions and mothers and, God-willing, the healthy bebbies who will arrive soon.



The bewbs are a-changing!

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