It was a lovely calm day so this morning I went out for a ride on Klængur with my new riding companion on his Icelandic mare. Speed seemed to be our “mot du jour” and so we clattered, Icelandic-horse-stylee, up and down the road like demons. So that was the cobwebs blown away. Well and truly.
By the way, that’s not sweat – that’s rain from the night before and I do think Klængur might have slimmed down a bit.
While we were out, a-clattering, I had a delivery from Shetland Organic Pony Treats.
Seeing an advert on Facebook, I had purchased three packets of Pony Treats to share between everyone.
Ingredients: 100% Organic – Carrot, Apple, Oats, Molasses, Flour, Vegetable Oil
Made by Merran, who is 12 years old, these treats are beautifully packed, all the same size and best of all……
…. loved by everyone.
The old men, Haakon and Iacs, tried them first (for science, of course) and then proceded to follow me everywhere asking for more. Apparently one treat is not enough.
Next stop, the Minions. I had started the eternal hoof rasping with Albie and Newt. Both behaved admirably so yes the treats were dished out, and to the others as well. I strongly believe in reward where reward is due. Fair’s fair.
So I shall definitely be buying more treats for my chaps and chapesses. And yes, Lambie and ‘Ster thought they were very nice too. ‘Bert was busy being pale and interesting and had a gingernut instead so then Lambie and ‘Ster had to have a gingernut and we went on like that for a bit! I feel like a School Dinner Lady at the moment.
Hmm….those treats do sound good enough to eat! Have you tried one? Has your monster had one yet?