Different Types of Sheep

The storm is here and, touch-wood, we still have electricity so here we go ….. today’s blog.

I had made preparations for this inclement weather and fed the sheep in their second-best bedroom (no wifi, but a new bale of straw plus renovations last year, ie structurally more stable walls were added) instead of their field.  Lambie hates eating with ‘Ster and ‘Bert as they eat faster and then hassle him.  He hates this, goes into a decline and gives up, rather wetly in my opinion.  So, as his Muzzah, I know this and Lambie and I reverted to Plan B.  I fed him his breakfasty privately in the porch.

Luckily Lambie understands this and happily followed me back to the house.  Like I said, we are prepared.

A favourite – Stauffer’s Animal Crackers sent from America.

A bag of Cheesy Smiles for emergencies (organic, no less).  Only the best for Lambie.

And a healthy option – carrots which they all adore.

The other two Boyzens came a-knocking looking for their “friend” (who you can see ducking – he hates hassle) and I topped them up with carrots and crackers ready to face the storm.

BeAnne has also spent her day in a total decline.  She hates this fierce weather and noise.  I loaned her my Christmas present, a silk bolster, for reclining and declining on.

Meanwhile, I went back to my felting and made this part sheep, possibly pig.

I was trying to make a very small sheep but its head was bigger than I intended.  I learned a lot today.

He is only two inches long.

Next time I will make the head and ears first, then the legs and lastly the body so I can get the scale right.

Live and learn.

4 thoughts on “Different Types of Sheep

  1. Sam

    Ah, Lambie Muzzah’s Special Boy! Nice to know the “coin of the Sheep Realm” is animal crackers, cheesy puffs and carrots. Hope BeAnne’s decline is short lived.


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