A Wander Around

Spring may or may not have finally arrived (although I thought I saw snow this morning).


All the horses and ponies immediately galloped down to the bottom field for the new grass this morning after their breakfast.

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The ground is still very wet and every time I think the mud is drying up, we have a torrential downpour and go quickly back to square one.


On a good note, though, I saw my first wild primrose flower.  They grow on either side of the stream in huge banks and their arrival shows me there is a way forward out of Winter.


I know the ponies are getting under one of the fences but I was not sure where until I went down to the bottom of the field.   I am not surprised but a little disappointed they took advantage after the floods.  One fence to mend.


The gap is only 2 foot high!  Do they crawl on their knees?  


I enjoyed pottering around the fields.  It was nice to be outside but there is another gale on its way tonight.  Here we go again.


But I am very relieved to see the grass finally trying to make an appearance.  I was getting to that point when I start to think nothing will ever grow again.


BeAnne was on fine form too and went swimming.  She is a very keen swimmer any time of the year.



3 thoughts on “A Wander Around

  1. Rebecca Final

    Frances – I had a pony years ago who would go down in to the creek when the waters receded from the fence that went through it and would crawl on his knees to get to the grass on the other side of the fence. I called him one evening and he galloped up to the fence, crawled under and came running home for dinner. P.S. he had been on 160 acres. A pony will never turn down breakfast or dinner


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